Our people have a saying: The Truth Is Out There

Welcome to the homepage of Shattered Existence, the new discussion list for fans of both J/C and MSR!  This list was created after a group of friends realised they all had not only a J/C interest, but also a love of MSR in common.  Two of that group took that idea a little further, and hey presto!  A new list is born.

(Yes, it always has been dangerous to leave Laura talking with one other person... hehe)

So, Voyager may be over, Mulder may be gone from The X Files, but who says that has to stop the fun?!  If you, like us, believe that there's life in the two fandoms yet, then join us!

Who's us?  This list was co-created by LauraJo, your appointed Captain, and Lin, her trusty Assistant Director.  <g>  (Okay, okay, so those titles were too good to pass up...)  As for the rest, that depends on you!

We look forward to welcoming you into our community.

~ LauraJo and Lin
Shattered Existence Moderators

Mail us!

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Last Updated: 05 January, 2002