The Art Of Silence
Author: LauraJo
Rating: PG
Archive: S/J archive, others please ask
Summary: Sometimes you need to learn what not to say. Episode
addition for "Sight Unseen".
Disclaimer: The characters and setting belong to MGM/Gekko/Double Secret, and no
harm is intended by this little piece of fiction.
Spoilers: "Sight Unseen"
Status: Complete {December 2002}
"Major, I just wanted to clarify," General Hammond started. "I know you visited a Mrs Sharp for information, but I got the impression she too was of a paranoid nature."
"She was a little reluctant to tell us anything at first, but we managed to persuade her to talk," Sam reported.
"Persuade her?"
"She thought we seemed like a nice couple," Jonas interceded. Sam glanced at Jonas, then at the colonel, and quietly hoped Jonas would stop there. Unfortunately she wasn't that lucky, as he continued talking. "I was about to correct her but Sam indicated we should play along, and it worked."
Logically, Sam knew there was nothing wrong with what Jonas had said. What they'd done had been the right tactic at the time. Militarily, there was nothing wrong with it. In fact, any way you looked at it there was nothing wrong with it, but that didn't detract from the one thing she'd known even as she'd made the split second decision.
The colonel wouldn't like it. Or rather, as was now evident to her at least, the colonel didn't like it. And therein lay a multitude of problems. None of which were things she ought to be considering in the middle of the mission debriefing.
Which, it appeared, was no longer a problem, as around her the rest of her team were starting to pack up their notes. It seemed she had missed the end of the briefing.
Well, that was one way to prove a point.
Sam gathered her own papers, and as she turned to leave she found only the colonel was left in the room with her. The colonel, who was currently staring at the table, shifting restlessly from one foot to the other, and looking as though he was trying to decide whether to say something or not. Half of her wanted to get there first and let him off the hook, whilst the other half knew damned well she should stay quiet, ignore it, and leave. Surprising even herself, the first half won.
"Sir, you know that-"
"Yeah Carter, I know."
"Good. It's just that Jonas, well, he-"
"Doesn't know when's a good time to be quiet."
"Something like that."
"Yeah. Well, if I recall correctly we still have some downtime coming to us, so I'm outta here."
"Still going fishing?"
"Actually, no. Things seem to happen every time I try that. I thought I might stay home now, we don't have that long anyway."
"No. Well, have a good time, sir."
"Yeah. You... have a good time too."
As the colonel left the room, Sam was left with one resounding thought in her head. Jonas may have proven himself a part of the team by now, and earned their respect in any number of ways, but there were some areas in which he still had a lot to learn. She just wondered who was going to be the one to teach him.