Disclaimer: Voyager and the characters therein belong to Paramount, and I hope they wouldn't be petty enough to quibble over a mere 100 words...


By LauraJo, December 2000
E-mail: laura@laurajo.net

Rating: G

They'd been home for ten years.

Kathryn looked around and realised that her whole life had been dogged by walls.

In front of her stood the memorial to friends that never made it home. Names, tens of names inscribed on a wall, haunting her.

Behind her, another wall. One that should have been happier; could have been, if she'd let it. It was full of images from their journey, of a time when she thought she, *they*, had a future. Pictures of them, together. Haunting her.

But she had kept her walls around her.

Now, they wouldn't let her out.


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